So every Monday I post right? Apparently not: i've missed two weeks. Apologies. All I can say is that I've actually been so busy and haven't really had anything in particular I wanted to write about (quite possibly out of laziness from the heat … *probably)
My last post was about Jersey and since then I've actually been pretty busy being; sociable, clumsy, a book worm and revising.
Since being back from my holibobs I've seen so many people at gatherings and pub meet ups and evening beach chills and picnics. I was lucky to have my friend Rebekah come to stay from Truro for a night so it was lovely to see her and go on the pedal boats at the lake grounds with her.
One of my good friends (Will Bath) has one of the BEST jobs in the world and has been able to bring me along on occasion when he puppy sits. I've been melting my heart at their cuteness. the fist picture is when I saw them in early June compared to now- they've grown into actual dogs rather than sleepy guinea pigs.
Will (different Will now, boyfriend Will) and myself also went to the cinema last Friday to see the Incredibles 2. It really was incredible and I loved every minute of it. Was a very good giggle. Deffo recommend, you will not be disappointed.

Right so the next thing I listed was clumsiness... now this has a bit of a long STORYTIME with it where you get to sit back, slurp on a cuppa tea and just enjoy laughing at my misery. Yay. So for 2 weeks I've had my old Saturday job back at the local outdoor shop and have been running it by myself meaning: Abi has total responsibility. I totally thought, "yep I've survived uni for a year. I can handle this". Oh boy, it really just meant here's 2 weeks whereby Abi is going to break herself both physically and emotionally.
*Now a little bit of context before I begin the story onto one of the worst days ever is that: the shop alarms had been having a bit of a moment in this crazy heatwave we've had and so have been going off nice and early in the morning.*
So Saturday (the bad day), I get to the shop at 7:45 to disable the alarms (bearing in mind, in normal circumstances I don't need to get there until 8:40 to open for 9) and then try to call the security number to get them to reset it, simple right? Nope of course not because Abi was there. The call just would not go through, I sat on that phone for 2 minuets and 30 odd seconds - as long as I could take the beeping- before I gave up and called the other number who basically told me "nope you need the other one, give it another try" so I tried again... without success. In the meantime I was starting to get a lil stressed out and grumpy because A) I'm not a morning person B) I was hangry and in need of a coffee.
THEN I hear a knock on the back gate... guess who... the POLICE. So a police officer came into the shop making sure everything was okay because the alarms had been set off and alerted them so he had to check for break ins etc. and then warned that if it was to go off again (oh boy, and did it? yes it did the following morning- I'll get to that part in a sec) a formal noise complaint might be issued. Now I was not looking my best. I had some messy bed hair plaits in, my pyjama vest still on and just the first pair of shorts I could find... oh and I had taken my trainers off because man do my feet get sweaty in summer. He must've just been thinking, what person in their right mind would leave this girl in charge.
Anyways so after he left I called the second number again and they paged me through about 4 different people to get me to the original number I was trying to call so he decided he was going to come out and replace the alarms because they really were just not loving the heat.
So everything goes back to normal, I open up the shop as usual (shoes are back on at this point), go pick up the days newspaper, come back and make a coffee so I'm a bit more with it when customers start coming through the door from 9am. Although this day was a particularly quiet Saturday for some reason and the first customer didn't come in until almost 10 by which time my nose decided to have a party. I had one of the worst nose bleeds I've ever had whilst trying to help these parents chose what size beaver uniform they want for their child who was stood there looking a bit confused by the girl who looked even more of a mess now as she had tissues stuffed up her nose holding back the nosebleed.
Following that the day wasn't too bad and does get a little better from there whilst at work I just did a few clumsy things like walking into corners of shelfs or shoe boxes- you know the usual clumsy stuff Abi does on the reg. although it did hurt a little more than usual as on the Tuesday before I'd fallen up the stairs and bruised my shines whilst running to get the phone so hitting that spot was not fun.
At the end of the work day I then had to close the shop and print out the overall till receipt but then I had a last minute customer come in so I then served him and ripped up the previous ones into TINY LITTLE PEICES as I thought that would now not be the correct totals. After he left I then went to reprint the days totals and guess what.. it only printed that one sale. So I had to fish through the bin for all the tiny pieces as the till receipts are kept for the accounting records and I stuffed it all up in the office to deal with on Monday (in which I spent most of my morning jigsaw piecing it all back together with cellotape.)
Anyway so I just about made it home alive after work and went to blow up the paddling pool because myself and Will were camping in it that night except I couldn't get the pump setting on the vacuum to work, In the end I gave up and decided to start filling the pool with blankets and pillows and my mattress so it was really comfy. As I went to lift my mattress off my bed it hit the shelf above it and it came TUMBLING DOWN. Now on this shelf was; a lamp- which thankfully didn't break, a framed gift] that my friend Asia had made me- which unfortunately now has a little dent(thankfully it's not to obvious), AND my brand new pot plant - (Now this is the most heart breaking bit of all) which pot smashed on my floor and covered all underneath my bed with soil. Great.
Thankfully the day did get a little better from there. I suppose the only way it could've got worse is if I got hit by a car.
Now as a book lover and English Literature student the summer is prime time for reading. So recently I have read; Lying in wait by Liz Nugent, Ubik by Phillip K Dick, and I'm now reading The return by Victoria Hislop. So expect a few book reviews in the near future especially as there is so much more for me to read.
...revising. Something I haven't done now in over a year is revision. As soon as my Alevels were done that was it as my uni course is 100% coursework. But I've finally decided I'm a bit more of an adult now so really I should probably start to learn how to drive! So tomorrow I have my driving theory test books so wish me luck! the aim is to get 50/50 so I can beat Will - perhaps a little unrealistic. I plan to make the most of being in Bristol though and maybe go Gromit hunting
Anyhow, I think that brings you all up to date with my life and hopefully has provided you with some entertainment.
I'll try my best to remember to post next Monday!
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