Sunday night was the finale of body guard and I think the whole nation must be in shock from that killer ending *if you haven't watched it what are you doing? go and watch it!*
There has been so much good tv on and over my long summer I've had a good chance to watch a lot so be prepared for what lies ahead aka. a very chatty Abi with a lot to say (also no one is in the house so I'm taking it out on the blog - enjoy) . You might want a cuppa tea for this one, or some hot beverage that's pumpkin spice now that it's autumn (!!!). So lets dig in right in, here's what I've been watching and what I rate them (there will be spoilers):
Now after 3 episodes I'm still not totally sure what I think about this programme. Its about a married couple who decide that they don't enjoy sex with each other and agree to have sexual relations with other people well maintaining their marriage. Its an interesting insight into the dating world with both younger and older generations in the series.
3) Mock the week
Okay now this will always have a place in my heart. A mick take out of politicians and recent news is just a great way to end the week on a Sunday night
2) Bodyguard
Everyone I spoke to was literally obsessed with this. The first episode had everyonbe gripped with the tense train scene with the bomber on the train and Richard Maddens character David Budd trying to prevent it all with the added tension of his kids being on the train. I've not been that tense, like finger nail biting tense since my uni mates made me watch a horror film with them. Now i had no clue what was going on throughout the whole series; every time I thought I had it sussed to who was behind it all I was wrong. Especially with the final episode #ifyouknowyouknow.
But i do have one criticism, or perhaps I didn't understand the whole thing properly: If David Budd hadn't been on the train none of it would've happened as Naydia wouldn't have been able to make the bombs ? And it couldn't be a set up that he was on the train because noone but his wife knew he was there? so was it all just a coincidence that they then were able to take advantage from? If David hadn't been on that train in episode one Naydia would've a. completed the suicide bomb or b. been shot by the security service. Can someone please give me answers.
1)Killing Eve
Yes, this is above bodyguard. It's an eight episode series about Eve who is searching to track down a psychopath assassin Villanelle who is under instruction from Russian intelligence to murder specific people. They cross paths many times like and have a weird understanding and likening for one another. The character development and relationships were very well written, so much so you end up liking Villanelle. For someone who has no empathy or mercy, she is comical in her moods and carelessness. Yet you hate her at the same time for her constant mutilation and gruesome killings. Yet for a very good series i'm still unsure on how i feel about the ending of episode 8 when Eve decided to kill Villanelle and then decides to help her and then Villanelle escapes leaving an ambiguous ending to whether it is all over or not. Now i'm guessing the writers intended to use Eve's attempts of killing Villanelle to be symbolic of how similar they are and that Eve is not totally innocent and has betrayed trust to many people she has loved, but then Eve's changing of mind shows her humanity and empathy. But it's still a bit eh, I almost feel like they want to leave it open for a possible second series as there are still a few loose ends to tie up from the series but I think that it has almost ruined it. But despite that HANDS DOWN it is one of my favourite Tv series' ever, I really enjoyed binge watching this on iplayer.
4) Orange is the new black
I don't think the new series of this was as good as the old ones. Series 6 takes place in a new prison after the riot and follows the stories of injustice of prisons in American and how inmates are treated in trials. But we see through Cindy's perspective inmates being framed for murder that they didn't do and then nothing really being done as she keeps the information to herself
3) the crown
Now normally this would be higher up on the general list of my Netflix favourites but I have been re watching the occasional episode as I've introduced it to mum who is loving it so thought I would drop it again. If you want to read more bout my opinions on this scroll all the way back through the blog posts to February when I first shared it on the blog.
2) The rain
Again I've mentioned this on a previous blog post so I wont go much further than to say: This is Swedish production is set in an apocalyptic world where the rain contains a deadly virus. If you get rained on you die. It was a tense watch with a strong leading female character.
The second series of this is just as good as the first. It's still heart warming and entertaining as the first. The series is generally speaking following the life of a family with an autistic son and how this affects his life and theirs.
Channel 4:
1) The Great British Bake off and the extra slice.
Bake off is a typically British programme. This years bunch of contestants are lovely as always and I'm struggling to predict who will win. I've narrowed it down to 3: Mannon, Rahul, and Dan. Although i do love Kimjoy, and would love to see her win it.
And then by the end of the week when you're beginging to get the bake off blues an extra slice is on to keep you going. Its an hilarious mick take of the previous episode full of puns and bad bakes. I LOVE IT.
Now upon reflection- I've watched a lot of tv and have got a lot more left to explore.... Somehow i'll squeeze it all in amongst my degree and social life. It is now autumn meaning cosy evenings sooo really it's allowed right?
Anyways thanks for reading and happy watching